Currently enrolled families will receive a 15% discount on one month of tuition per family referred. Referred family will receive 10% discount on one month of tuition. Referred family must stay enrolled for at least 1 semester. The family referring a new family must still be enrolled at the time the referral is issued.
How To Make A Referral
Making a referral is simple and can be achieved by the following steps:
1.You share the school details with family/friends.
2.They email with registration forms and include who referred them. They will need to give the full name of the family that referred them.
3. Our team will follow up and confirm that all applications have been received and that the child is eligible for enrollment.
4.Both families receive their discount at the end of the first semester (subject to terms and conditions)
Referral Program – Terms and Conditions
- The program is open to all Grace Christian Academy families.
- The offer applies to new referred families for grade Pre-k to Grade 12, i.e., does not apply to siblings of current students enrolled at Grace Christian Academy.
- The tuition discount is per family referred, not per student.
- There is no limit to the number of families that can be referred; however, the tuition discount cannot exceed 35% of the referring family’s annual tuition fee. Referring family must also remain enrolled for the entire academic year.
- The referring family must receive an acknowledgement and confirmation of their referral via the referred family’s Application Form and emal, in order to be eligible for the tuition discount.
- The referred family must follow the standard enrollment process and meet the standard enrollment criteria. Final decision for student acceptance rests with Grace Christian Academy Admissions/Administration.
- To receive the tuition discount, the referred family must be enrolled and attending by August 30th of the next school year.
- The tuition discount will be applied to the referring family at the end of the first semester.
- Tuition discount hold no cash value and are not refundable.
- If the referees or referring families have more than one child enrolled the relevant discount will apply to the oldest child only
- Grace Christian Academy reserves the right to change the format of the family referral program, amend the terms and conditions or withdraw the program at any time.